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A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build an MVP

A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build an MVP

Consider you have a brilliant idea for an app that could change the world. You can consider every detail and even sketch out a wireframe. But when it comes time to build your app, the thought of coding sends you into a cold sweat. You’re not alone. Many aspiring entrepreneurs with no coding experience face this same challenge. The good news? You don’t have to code your idea. Instead, you can build a no-code MVP. This guide will walk you through how to make a minimum-viable product using no-code tools.

No code MVP development will help you launch faster and save time and money. If you’re ready to learn how to build an MVP, we have a no-code solution to help you achieve your goals. Minimum Code is a no-code development agency that can help you make your MVP and reach your goals quickly and efficiently.

What Is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

Laptop Laying - How to Build an MVP

A Minimum Viable Product, or MVP, is a basic version of a product that includes only the most essential features required to meet the needs of early users and validate an idea in the market. An MVP's primary goal is to gather user feedback and assess whether the product solves a real problem without investing too much time and resources in full-scale development. The concept of an MVP is popular in startup culture because it allows businesses to test their ideas quickly and make data-driven decisions before committing to large-scale product development.

The MVP process revolves around the idea of learning through iteration. Rather than building a fully-featured product upfront, startups release a stripped-down version to test critical assumptions. This is particularly useful for non-technical entrepreneurs who want to enter the market quickly and understand their target audience's needs before spending significant resources on product development.

Why Do MVPs Matter for Startups and Entrepreneurs?

Cost-Effectiveness and Risk Reduction

An MVP allows startups to validate their product idea without significant upfront investment. The cost of building a fully developed product can be immense, especially for non-technical founders needing to hire developers or rely on expensive development agencies.

By focusing only on the core features that solve the user's most pressing problem, startups can launch an MVP with fewer resources. According to a report from CB Insights, 42% of startups fail because there is no market need for their product. An MVP reduces this risk by allowing startups to test the waters before scaling.

Building an MVP with no-code tools like and Webflow for non-technical entrepreneurs further reduces costs. No-code platforms eliminate the need for expensive development teams, making building and iterating quickly more feasible.

Time to Market

Launching a product quickly can give startups a competitive edge. A report by McKinsey found that companies who enter the market early and improve their products based on user feedback are more likely to achieve long-term success. The MVP approach is designed to get a product in front of users quickly to start gathering feedback early in the product lifecycle.

The faster a product launches, the sooner entrepreneurs learn whether their idea has traction. For non-technical founders, using no-code platforms significantly speeds up the process. According to a study by Forrester, no-code development reduces time-to-market by as much as 50-90% compared to traditional coding methods.

Real-World Example

Take Dropbox as an example. Before building the full product, Dropbox launched an MVP in the form of a simple explainer video to gauge user interest in its cloud storage solution. The video quickly went viral, helping Dropbox acquire 75,000 early users before any significant development had begun. This early validation allowed them to refine their product before making a heavy investment in development.

This example highlights how MVPs help entrepreneurs test their assumptions and identify early adopters who can offer valuable feedback, ultimately guiding the product's future development.

What Key Features Should an MVP Include?

An MVP includes only the most critical features necessary to solve the main problem for the user. These features should:

Address a specific problem

The product should solve a clearly defined issue for the target audience.

Offer immediate value

Users must be able to gain value from the product in its simplest form.

Collect feedback

The MVP should facilitate user feedback collection for continuous improvement.

Focus on Core Features

Instead of attempting to build a feature-rich product from the start, an MVP focuses only on the core functionality needed to solve the primary pain points of the target audience. This lean approach ensures that the development process is efficient and cost-effective. According to Lean Startup methodology, this process enables startups to "fail fast" and pivot if necessary, without the sunk costs associated with a full-featured product that fails to resonate with the market.

How Do No-Code Tools Help in Building an MVP?

Building an MVP can seem daunting for non-technical founders, especially if they need a technical co-founder. This is where no-code platforms like Minimum-code,, Webflow, and Xano play a pivotal role. No-code tools allow users to design, build, and launch fully functioning MVPs without writing a single line of code. This lowers the barrier to entry for founders who want to launch their product but don’t have the technical expertise to build it themselves.

Advantages of No-Code for MVP Development:

  • Speed: No-code platforms enable users to build products rapidly, shortening the time from idea to launch. 
  • Cost-Efficiency: No-code platforms significantly reduce the cost of building an MVP by eliminating the need for a development team. According to industry estimates, startups can save as much as $10,000 to $100,000 in early-stage development costs by using no-code tools. 
  • Iterative Development: No-code platforms allow for easy iteration, meaning changes to the product can be made quickly based on user feedback. This flexibility ensures that startups can adapt their MVPs based on real-time user data. According to Gartner, by 2024, 65% of all app development activity will occur on low-code or no-code platforms, demonstrating how crucial these tools have become in the modern startup ecosystem. 

Why Should Non-Technical Entrepreneurs Consider an MVP?

Non-technical founders often need help launching a product, such as requiring more coding skills to build and iterate efficiently. Building an MVP allows them to:

Enter the market quickly

They can get a product to users within weeks rather than months. 

Avoid unnecessary costs

By starting with a simple product version, they reduce the risk of spending money on features that users don’t need or want.

Gather feedback early

Testing with real users enables founders to make data-driven product features and improvement decisions.

Related Reading

What are the Benefits of Building an MVP with No-Code Tools?

Person Working - How to Build an MVP

Speed: Get Your Product to Market Quickly

One of the most significant advantages of using no-code tools to build an MVP is the speed with which a product can be launched. Traditional development methods often take months, if not longer, to go from concept to a functioning product. By contrast, no-code tools provide a rapid development process, enabling entrepreneurs to build and deploy their MVPs in weeks. 

No-code platforms are designed to remove the technical complexity from product development. For example, a non-technical founder can use to build the front-end and back-end of an MVP with simple drag-and-drop functionality, avoiding the need for writing code. This allows founders to quickly test their ideas in the market and gather feedback from real users. 

According to Forrester, companies using no-code tools can reduce their time-to-market by as much as 50-90% compared to traditional development methods. This means entrepreneurs can get their product to customers sooner, improving their chances of validating the product idea early.

Lower Development Costs: Save Money Building Your MVP

Traditional MVP development often involves hiring developers, project managers, and designers, leading to high upfront costs. For non-technical founders, these costs can quickly become overwhelming. With no-code tools, however, the cost of building an MVP drops significantly, as these platforms eliminate the need for coding knowledge and reduce the reliance on large development teams.

No-code platforms like and Webflow offer affordable subscription plans that are far less expensive than hiring a development team. Even founders with limited budgets can create a fully functional MVP without the heavy financial burden.

A non-technical entrepreneur who would have spent up to $50,000 on hiring a development team to build an MVP can achieve the same outcome using no-code tools for a fraction of that cost. Many startups using no-code platforms spend less than $1,000 on their initial MVP.

According to estimates, no-code development can reduce the cost of building a product by 80% compared to traditional methods, making it ideal for bootstrapped startups and small businesses.

Flexibility and Ease of Iteration: Change Your MVP as You Gather Feedback

No-code platforms allow for easy iteration and adjustments, which are crucial during the MVP phase. Once your MVP is launched, gathering user feedback is the next critical step. Based on this feedback, changes to the product are often necessary. Traditional coding methods may require lengthy development cycles to make minor updates, but entrepreneurs can implement changes quickly and efficiently with no-code tools. 

No-code platforms allow non-technical founders to tweak features, redesign interfaces, and add new functionality in response to user feedback without returning to a developer or rewriting large portions of code. This ability to pivot and adapt the product based on real-time data is essential for building a product that meets the needs of its target audience. 

Imagine launching an MVP and discovering users need to understand the sign-up process. With a no-code tool like Webflow, the founder can adjust the design and flow of the sign-up form within hours rather than waiting weeks for a developer to implement changes.

Scalability: Build Your MVP for Growth

There’s a common misconception that no-code platforms are only suitable for small-scale or straightforward projects. In reality, many no-code platforms are designed to scale as the product and user base grow. Platforms like Xano handle complex backend operations and support scalability, allowing entrepreneurs to expand their MVP into a fully-fledged product as user demand increases. 

No-code tools can handle higher traffic volumes, additional features, and integrations as the business grows without requiring a complete product rewrite. This means an MVP built with a no-code platform can evolve into a scalable, long-term solution as the company grows and attracts new users. 

A Gartner report found that 65% of all app development activity will occur on low-code or no-code platforms by 2024, mainly due to the scalability and flexibility these platforms offer. 

Accessibility for Non-Technical Founders: Build Your MVP Without Technical Skills

The most significant benefit of no-code tools is their accessibility to non-technical founders. Entrepreneurs with coding knowledge or experience can start with technical co-founders and hire expensive developers to bring their ideas to life. No-code platforms provide user-friendly interfaces that anyone can use to create functional, dynamic products.

By leveraging no-code tools, founders can focus on their business strategy, marketing, and customer acquisition while fully controlling their product development. This autonomy is a massive advantage for founders who want to be hands-on with their product but don’t have the technical expertise to build it themselves.

Built-In Integrations and Automation: Save Time and Development Efforts

No-code platforms often have pre-built integrations and automated workflows that simplify connecting various apps and services. For example, a no-code platform might include built-in integrations with Stripe for payment processing or Mailchimp for email marketing. Nontechnical founders can easily add these features to their MVP without manually configuring them. 

We are a no-code development agency tailored for non-technical entrepreneurs looking to launch B2B SaaS or service web apps quickly. Our expertise lies in using tools like,, and Webflow to deliver MVPs within a month. Why you should work with us: We offer rapid development speed, cost-effectiveness compared to traditional methods, scalable and secure solutions, and full-service support from design to post-launch. We're ideal for founders who've experienced lengthy traditional development cycles or need a technical co-founder. 

Our approach solves common pain points like needing more tech skills, no-code scalability, security concerns, and the desire to focus on business while we handle the tech. With Minimum Code, you can finally bring your long-held business idea to life quickly and efficiently without breaking the bank. Bring your long-held business ideas to life with us, and get a free product discovery & scoping for your app idea today!

Step-by-Step Guide to Building an MVP With

Man Talking on Phone - How to Build an MVP

Identify the Problem and Your Target Audience 

The foundation of any successful MVP lies in clearly identifying the problem you’re solving and defining your target audience. Understanding your target users' needs and pain points will guide you in building a product that addresses real-world issues.

Problem Identification

Conduct market research to ensure that your product is solving a valid problem. 

Define your target audience.

Who are the users who will benefit most from your product? Understanding their specific pain points is crucial for building an effective MVP. 

Tools to Use

Typeform or Google Forms can gather insights from potential users through surveys. Airtable can help organize market research and user data for precise analysis.

Prioritize Core Features for the MVP 

Once you clearly understand the problem and your audience, the next step is to identify the core features your MVP will need. It’s important to focus on the most essential features—those that directly address the primary problem your target audience faces. Including too many features in the initial product can complicate development and delay the launch. 

Feature Prioritization

  • Must-have features: These are the features that are necessary for your product to solve the main problem. 
  • Nice-to-have features: These can be added later as the product evolves based on user feedback. 
  • Tools to Use: allows you to visualize the core features of your MVP and prioritize them based on user needs. The visual drag-and-drop interface makes adding or removing features based on the MVP’s focus easy.

Build the MVP Using No-Code Platforms 

Now that you’ve identified the essential features, it’s time to build your MVP using no-code platforms. These platforms allow non-technical users to create both the front-end and back-end of their MVPs easily. 

Front-End Development

Webflow is an excellent tool for building the front end of your MVP. It offers drag-and-drop design functionality, enabling you to create professional, responsive web interfaces without coding. Webflow is ideal for founders looking to make a polished user experience that reflects their brand. 

Back-End Development

Xano is a no-code platform for managing the back end of your MVP. Xano allows you to build and manage databases, set up user authentication, and automate workflows without coding. This platform ensures that your MVP can handle complex logic and store data securely. 

Step-by-Step Process

Set up workflows on Use to create the logical flow of your application. Its robust drag-and-drop editor lets you define how users interact with the product, such as signing up, navigating through the app, or submitting data. 

Create the user interface with Webflow.

Once the workflows are set, use Webflow to design a user-friendly interface. Webflow’s responsive design features make it easy to ensure your MVP looks great on both desktop and mobile. 

Handle data storage with Xano.

Xano manages back-end operations, such as storing user data or handling API calls. This allows you to process user information and automate various tasks.

Test, Iterate, and Gather Feedback 

After building your MVP, it is essential to test it with a small group of users to ensure it functions as intended and solves the identified problem.

Initial Testing

Before a full launch, conduct beta testing with a select group of users who can provide feedback on the MVP’s usability, design, and functionality. Identify bugs, user experience issues, or missing features that must be addressed before the product is released to the broader market. 

Feedback Collection

Gathering user feedback helps improve your product and ensures it’s meeting user expectations. Collect data from your beta users through surveys or feedback forms, and use this information to iterate on your MVP. 

Tools to Use

Google Forms or Typeform can be used to collect user feedback.’s debugging tools allow you to test workflows and fix any bugs that arise during user testing. Use Zapier or Integromat to automate feedback collection and organization into your project management tools, ensuring you have all feedback in one place for easy access.

Launch the MVP and Iterate Based on User Input 

Once the testing phase is complete and necessary iterations have been made, it’s time to launch your MVP. An MVP is a starting point for gathering real-world data and user feedback, so continuous iteration is critical to long-term success. 

Launching the MVP

Depending on the product type, you can launch your MVP on various platforms, such as Product Hunt, BetaList, or your website. At this stage, ensure your MVP is fully functional and accessible to your target audience. 

Continuous Iteration

After the launch, continue to collect feedback from your users. Based on real-time user data, make iterative changes to improve the product, adding new features and optimizing existing ones as needed. 

Tools to Use

Google Analytics or Hotjar can be integrated into your no-code MVP to track user behavior, identify drop-off points, and measure engagement. Use and Xano to implement new features or fixes quickly based on post-launch feedback.

Addressing Common MVP Challenges with No-Code

Man Working - How to Build an MVP

Scalability Concerns

No-code tools raise concerns about scalability. Will the no-code MVP handle growth as more users use the product? As the product scales, it requires more server resources, better database management, and robust workflows. 

Most modern no-code platforms, such as Xano and, are designed with scalability in mind. These platforms can handle increased traffic and complex workflows as the user base grows. However, it’s crucial to structure your MVP for future scaling, such as designing clean workflows, optimizing data storage, and keeping the architecture flexible for growth. 

Minimum Code provides no-code MVPs that are built to scale. We ensure your MVP is developed with scalability, using the best workflow automation and database structuring practices. By relying on platforms like and Xano, Minimum Code sets the foundation for your product to grow without significant rebuilds. 

Security Concerns

Another major challenge is security. No-code platforms handle sensitive user data, and founders must be more secure to protect this information. Improper security measures could lead to data breaches, damaging your startup’s reputation.

Most no-code platforms take security seriously, offering features like SSL encryption, user authentication, and secure APIs. However, it’s crucial to configure these features to ensure your MVP is secure properly. Failing to do so could leave your app vulnerable to attacks. 

Minimum Code configures your MVP’s security settings to ensure your user data is well-protected. We integrate robust security protocols, including secure authentication processes, encryption, and regular backups. This ensures that your no-code MVP complies with industry security standards right from the start.

Customization Limitations

No-code platforms provide templates and pre-built modules to speed up development. However, one of the main challenges is the need for more customization compared to traditional development. Some founders find that their product vision requires more advanced features or custom functionality that no-code tools may offer outside the box. 

While no-code platforms offer incredible flexibility, they may only cover some advanced use cases. Integrating third-party services or platform-specific extensions can help achieve more custom features in these scenarios. For example, Zapier or Integromat can automate tasks that no-code platforms can’t natively support. 

Minimum Code bridges the gap between no-code limitations and custom functionality. We ensure that, when necessary, we integrate third-party services and create custom workflows to give your product the exact features it needs without needing traditional coding. This allows you to push the boundaries of what’s possible with no-code platforms. 

Design Constraints

While no-code platforms offer simple drag-and-drop design interfaces, some founders feel limited by the design capabilities. Achieving a unique, brand-specific design may require more customization than the platform allows. 

Platforms like Webflow are known for superior design capabilities in the no-code space. However, to unlock complete creative control, understanding how to customize templates and integrate custom CSS or JavaScript (if necessary) can make a big difference in achieving the desired look and feel. 

With extensive experience using platforms like Webflow, Minimum Code ensures that your MVP reflects your brand identity without compromising design. Whether it’s through advanced template customization or integrating custom code where needed, we make sure your product looks polished and professional. 

Minimum Code: Why You Should Work With Us 

We are a no-code development agency tailored for non-technical entrepreneurs looking to launch B2B SaaS or service web apps quickly. Our expertise lies in using tools like,, and Webflow to deliver MVPs within a month. Why you should work with us: We offer rapid development speed, cost-effectiveness compared to traditional methods, scalable and secure solutions, and full-service support from design to post-launch. 

We're ideal for founders who've experienced lengthy traditional development cycles or need a technical co-founder. Our approach solves common pain points like needing more tech skills, no-code scalability, security concerns, and the desire to focus on business while we handle the tech. With Minimum Code, you can finally bring your long-held business idea to life quickly and efficiently without breaking the bank. Bring your long-held business ideas to life with us, and get a free product discovery and scoping for your app idea today!

Related Reading

  • MVP Development for Startups
  • MVP Development Process
  • MVP Development Cost
  • Develop MVP
  • MVP Developer
  • How to Build an MVP App
  • MVP Benefits
  • SaaS MVP Development
  • MVP Features

How Minimum Code Makes MVP Development Easy for Non-Technical Founders

Laptop Lying - How to Build an MVP

Simplified MVP Development with No-Code Platforms

For non-technical founders, building an MVP can take time and effort. Traditional development often requires hiring developers, managing teams, and dealing with complex technical aspects. Minimum Code changes using no-code platforms like, Webflow, and Xano to build MVPs quickly and without writing code. handles complex workflows and back-end logic, allowing for a full-featured MVP that behaves like a custom-built product. Webflow manages the design and front-end aspects, ensuring your MVP is functional, visually appealing, and user-friendly. Xano handles back-end processes, such as data management and automation, without the need for traditional server-side coding. 

With these tools, Minimum Code allows non-technical founders to bring their ideas to life without knowing anything about coding. By handling the heavy lifting of building both the front-end and back-end of the product, they allow entrepreneurs to focus on their business goals and user feedback.

Step-by-Step Guidance from Idea to Launch

Minimum Code doesn’t just build your MVP—it guides you through the entire process, from defining your product idea to launching it in the market. Here’s how they make the process easy for non-technical founders:

Feature Prioritization

One of the most challenging aspects of building an MVP is deciding which features to include in the first version. Minimum Code helps non-technical founders prioritize the core features that will solve the main problem for users without overcomplicating the product. They work with you to create a lean product that focuses on delivering maximum value with minimal features, setting you up for success without overwhelming complexity.

User-Friendly Design

Using Webflow, Minimum Code ensures your MVP has a clean, intuitive design that enhances user experience. Non-technical founders often need help with making their products look polished and professional. Minimum Code’s expertise in Webflow allows you to have a beautifully designed MVP that reflects your brand and engages users effectively.

Back-End Setup with Automation

Many MVPs require complex workflows and automation to function effectively. Setting up the back-end processes without coding can be tricky for non-technical founders. Minimum Code uses Xano to configure the necessary back-end processes, from managing user data to creating automated workflows, ensuring that your MVP runs smoothly without technical hiccups.

Quick Iteration and Real-Time Adjustments

One significant advantage of using no-code platforms is the ability to iterate quickly based on user feedback. For non-technical founders, making changes to a product can feel intimidating if it requires coding or reworking the existing structure. Minimum Code makes this process easy by setting up your MVP to allow real-time adjustments without the need for traditional developers.

Fast feedback loops

After the MVP launches, Minimum Code enables rapid iterations based on user feedback. Whether you need to change a feature, add new functionality, or fix user experience issues, these changes can be implemented quickly using the no-code infrastructure.

Continuous improvements

As users provide feedback, Minimum Code ensures that your MVP evolves in real time, helping you adjust to user needs, refine workflows, and improve overall performance without extensive downtime.

Full-Service Support: From Idea to Post-Launch

One of Minimum Code's most significant advantages is full-service support throughout the MVP lifecycle. They guide and execute every process step from the initial idea to the post-launch phase.

MVP Launch

 Once the MVP is ready, Minimum Code launches it on platforms like Product Hunt, BetaList, or app stores, depending on the product's nature. They ensure everything works as expected at launch, from user sign-ups to payment processing.

Post-Launch Iteration and Support

After launch, the real work begins: gathering feedback and iterating on the product. Minimum Code continues to provide ongoing support, helping non-technical founders make necessary adjustments based on user feedback. This includes:

  • Adding new features as the product evolves. 
  • Fixing bugs or usability issues based on feedback. 
  • Scaling the product as user demand increases, ensuring the MVP can handle growing traffic. 

Solving Common MVP Challenges for Non-Technical Founders

Minimum Code understands that non-technical founders face specific challenges when building an MVP, especially around scalability, security, and customization issues. Here’s how they address these common challenges:


Many non-technical founders worry that their no-code MVP won’t be able to handle scaling as their user base grows. Minimum Code builds MVPs on platforms like and Xano, designed to scale as your product grows. This means your MVP is built to handle increasing user traffic, complex workflows, and additional features as they are added.


Another common concern is security, particularly when user data is involved. Minimum Code configures robust security protocols to protect user data, including encryption, secure authentication, and compliance with industry standards like GDPR.


No-code tools are powerful, but some founders feel limited by their out-of-the-box functionality. Minimum Code overcomes these limitations by integrating third-party services and building custom workflows that extend the capabilities of the no-code platforms, ensuring your MVP has the exact features and functionality needed.

How Long Does it Take to Build an MVP with No-Code?

Person Holding Tablet - How to Build an MVP

Building a minimum viable product can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the product and the number of features required. No-code development is significantly faster than traditional coding methods, making it a popular choice for non-technical founders and startups looking to quickly bring their ideas to life.

Scope and Complexity of the MVP

The more complex your MVP is, the longer it will take to build. If your MVP requires only a few basic features, such as user sign-up, a simple dashboard, and data collection, the build can take as little as 2 to 4 weeks. However, if your MVP requires more advanced features like payment integrations, complex workflows, or user-generated content, the timeline may extend to 6 to 8 weeks or longer. 

Examples of timelines based on complexity: 

Simple MVP

Suppose your MVP involves creating a landing page, simple user interactions, and data collection. In that case, using platforms like Webflow for front-end design and for basic workflows may take 2 to 3 weeks. 

Moderately Complex MVP

Expect a 4—to 6-week timeline for products that include user logins, automated workflows, or simple e-commerce functionality. and Xano would manage more complex user data and back-end workflows. 

Advanced MVP

For more feature-heavy MVPs, such as those requiring payment gateways, multi-step workflows, or integrations with third-party services, it could take 6 to 8 weeks or more, depending on how much customization is needed. 

No-Code Platform Used

The no-code platform you choose also affects the speed of development. Some platforms are built for rapid prototyping and have pre-built templates, while others offer more flexibility and customization options, which can add to the timeline.

This platform allows for full-stack development with its drag-and-drop interface and workflow automation, making it ideal for creating complex MVPs quickly. typically reduces development time by 50-70% compared to traditional coding for a mid-range MVP. 


Known for its design capabilities, Webflow is ideal for building MVPs that require a vital visual element. Webflow can speed up front-end development for design-focused projects, allowing you to complete visually appealing MVPs within 2 to 4 weeks. 


Xano offers database management and workflow automation for more complex back-end operations. However, setting up these systems can take slightly longer if you need heavy customization. However, it still significantly reduces development time compared to traditional server-side coding. 

Iterative Development and Feedback Loops

If you plan to build your MVP iteratively, testing, gathering feedback, and adjusting along the way, the timeline can extend slightly. However, no-code platforms make it easier to incorporate changes quickly. After launching an initial MVP, you can iterate based on user feedback, which can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks per iteration. 

Iterative MVP development typically adds 1 to 2 weeks to the initial build time as you adjust based on early user feedback. 

Team Expertise and Efficiency

The expertise of the team building the MVP also affects the development timeline. Suppose you’re using a no-code development agency like Minimum Code. In that case, the timeline can be shortened because the team is familiar with the platforms, knows how to avoid common pitfalls, and can optimize the process for speed. 

For example, if you attempt to build the MVP independently without prior experience, completing a moderately complex MVP might take 6 to 8 weeks. However, you can cut that time to 4 weeks or less with a professional team due to their expertise with the tools and processes.

Get a Free Product Discovery & Scoping for Your App Idea Today

Minimum Code is a no-code development agency tailored for non-technical entrepreneurs looking to launch B2B SaaS or service web apps quickly. Our expertise lies in using tools like,, and Webflow to deliver MVPs within a month. Why you should work with us: Rapid development speed, cost-effectiveness compared to traditional methods, scalable and secure solutions, and full-service support from design to post-launch. We're ideal for founders who've experienced lengthy traditional development cycles or need a technical co-founder. 

Our approach solves common pain points like needing more tech skills, no-code scalability, security concerns, and the desire to focus on business while we handle the tech. With Minimum Code, you can finally bring your long-held business idea to life quickly and efficiently without breaking the bank. Bring your long-held business ideas to life with us. Get a free product discovery and scoping for your app idea today!

Related Reading

  • MVP Validation
  • MVP Development Team
  • No Code Agencies
  • Creating an MVP
  • MVP Timeline
  • MVP Tools
  • Launching an MVP
  • Lean Startup MVP

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