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A 10-Step Guide to MVP Development for Startups ( Best Pratices and Tips Included)

A 10-Step Guide to MVP Development for Startups ( Best Pratices and Tips Included)

You’ve got a great idea for a startup. You’ve done your research and are ready to start building your product. But as you sit down to create your product, you realize there’s a problem. You don’t know what to make. You could create dozens of features, but which will meet your audience’s needs? Before you can answer that question, you need to test your assumptions. And to do that, you need to create an MVP.  

This is where MVP development for startups comes in. This guide will walk you through a 10-step guide to MVP development for startups. By the end, you’ll know how to create an no-code MVP that meets your audience’s needs and helps you achieve your business goals. 

What is an MVP?

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An MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, is a product version that includes only the necessary features to meet the needs of early adopters and allows the company to gather feedback for future development. It’s a lean strategy designed to launch a product quickly, gather insights, and ensure that there is market demand before investing time and resources in total development. 

Core Features Only 

The idea behind an MVP is to develop a product that delivers the minimum value required to solve the user’s main problem. It strips the product of the most essential features, ensuring the main value proposition is clear and functional.

Risk Minimization 

Startups can mitigate the risk of product failure by using an MVP to test their ideas before full-scale investment. This reduces the likelihood of investing heavily in a product that doesn't resonate with the target audience. 

Fast Feedback Loop 

By launching quickly, startups can get real-world user feedback and improve the product based on this data. This iterative approach allows startups to focus on what users want and discard features that don't work. 


Dropbox’s MVP was a simple demo video showing the software's basic functionality. It allowed the company to gauge interest before building the entire product, saving time and development costs. 


According to CB Insights, 42% of startups fail because they build products without market demand. An MVP helps mitigate this risk by validating the product idea early.

Related Reading

Types and Benefits of MVPs

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Landing Page MVP: Crafting Your First Impressions

A Landing Page MVP is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to validate a product idea. It comprises a web page that provides an overview of the product and its features, often paired with a call to action (CTA) to gauge user interest. 

Best For

Early-stage startups are looking to test demand before investing in development. 


Dropbox initially used a landing page to explain the concept and gather email signups to gauge demand.

Prototype MVP: Creating a Clickable Model

A Prototype MVP involves building a basic clickable model of the product, which allows users to interact with its design and navigation without fully functioning backend systems. It is best for Startups looking to test the user experience (UX) and gather early design feedback. 


Standard prototype MVP tools include Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD. 


Many app-based startups use prototypes to demonstrate the product to investors or gather feedback from potential users before proceeding with full development.

Wizard of Oz MVP: Simulating Functionality

With a Wizard of Oz MVP, users believe they are interacting with a fully automated product, but behind the scenes, the team manually operates it. This method allows startups to test the core functions without building complicated infrastructure. It is best for products that involve complex technology or backend systems, which can be simulated manually in the early stages. 


Zappos began as a Wizard of Oz MVP, with the founder manually taking and fulfilling shoe orders to test the idea of an online shoe store.

Concierge MVP: Personalizing the User Experience

A Concierge MVP is a personalized, high-touch product version where services are delivered manually rather than through automation. This approach allows startups to work directly with users to fine-tune their offerings. It is best for startups providing service-based products where personalization is essential, and the goal is to test how valuable the service is to users. 


Wealthfront, a financial planning service, started by offering manual financial advice before automating its algorithms for wealth management. 


Choose an MVP type that aligns with your product’s complexity, goals, and resources. Early-stage startups often benefit from a Landing Page MVP or Prototype MVP, while more complex products might require a Wizard of Oz or Concierge MVP to simulate backend functionality.

Benefits of MVP Development

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1. Cost-Efficiency

One of the main advantages of MVP development is its cost-efficiency. Instead of investing in developing a full-scale product, which can be time-consuming and expensive, startups can focus on building a barebones version with essential features. This allows them to test the waters and avoid wasting resources on features that might not be necessary or valued by the market.

Statistical Insight

The average cost of developing a full-fledged mobile app can range from $50,000 to $250,000, depending on its complexity. However, an MVP can be built for as little as $5,000 to $50,000, making it a much more affordable way to validate the idea before committing more resources.​

Why It Matters

An MVP enables bootstrapped startups or those working with limited funding to save capital while bringing their product to market.

2. Faster Time to Market

Launching an MVP allows startups to enter the market quickly. In competitive industries, speed is crucial for gaining an early foothold and establishing a presence. With an MVP, startups can deliver a functional version of the product in a short time frame, gather feedback, and start building an audience.

Why It Matters

Getting to market faster means startups can start generating user feedback early, vital for shaping the final product. It also allows them to gain a competitive advantage by becoming an early player.

Statistical Insight

According to research from CB Insights, 29% of startups fail because they run out of cash before launching. MVPs help reduce this risk by getting the product into users’ hands faster and allowing founders to start generating feedback or revenue.​

3. Reduces Risk and Uncertainty

Developing a complete product without validation can be risky, especially if it doesn’t meet market needs. MVPs mitigate this risk by enabling startups to test assumptions and verify that their product solves a real problem before investing in further development. It also allows for data-driven decisions, as feedback and metrics from MVP testing help guide the next steps in product development.

Why It Matters

By validating product assumptions early, startups can reduce the chance of building something nobody wants. This approach minimizes the risk of failure and allows for course corrections before significant resources are spent.

4. Gather Real-World User Feedback

Launching an MVP allows startups to collect honest user feedback rather than relying on internal assumptions or market predictions. This feedback is invaluable because it shows how users interact with the product, what features they value, and what needs improvement.

Why It Matters

Early feedback can guide development by focusing on what users want and need. This helps shape the product to align more closely with user expectations, leading to better adoption rates post-launch.


Dropbox used a simple video demo MVP to validate demand for their file-sharing service before entirely building out the software. The demo allowed them to gather feedback, understand customer pain points, and make necessary improvements before launch.

5. Validation of Product-Market Fit

An MVP helps startups determine if there is a market demand for their product. By collecting user feedback and data, startups can validate whether their solution aligns with market needs and adjust accordingly.

Why It Matters

Product-market fit is one of the most crucial elements of startup success. If there’s no demand for the product, the startup risks failure. An MVP provides an opportunity to validate demand with minimal investment and adjust the product to meet customer needs better.

Statistical Insight

Studies suggest that achieving product-market fit is the most important goal for any startup. According to First Round Capital, startups that pivot based on user feedback are more likely to succeed.​

6. Flexibility and Iteration

One key benefit of developing an MVP is the ability to iterate quickly. Because the product is launched with a minimal feature set, there is flexibility to adjust it based on early user feedback. This iterative process ensures that each product version aligns more with user expectations.

Why It Matters

Iteration helps prevent costly mistakes in development. Rather than committing to a specific product version too early, startups can continuously evolve the MVP based on user needs and insights.


Airbnb started as a simple website offering air mattresses in people's living rooms. Based on user feedback, they iterated the product to include entire homes and unique stays, transforming the product into the global brand it is today.

10-Step Guide to MVP Development

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Step 1: Define the Problem Your Product Solves

Start by clearly understanding the problem your product solves. This should be a specific pain point significant to your target audience. A well-defined problem will guide the features and functionalities of your MVP, ensuring that your product has a clear purpose.

How to Go About It

Conduct interviews, surveys, and research to understand the problem from the user's perspective. Validating the problem is essential to ensuring that your MVP addresses a real issue.

Common Problem

Many startups must accurately define the problem, leading to developing a product that requires more demand.


Engage potential users early through interviews, focus groups, or surveys to ensure the problem is well-defined and validated. Tools like Google Forms, Typeform, or SurveyMonkey can help gather this data.

Step 2: Outline Key Features

After defining the problem, identify the core features of your MVP that will address it. The MVP should be lean, focusing only on the essential functionalities that solve the core problem.

How to Go About It

Use frameworks like MoSCoW (Must-have, Should-have, Could-have, Won’t-have) to prioritize features. Start with a lean feature set that provides just enough value to gather user feedback and prove the concept.

Common Problem

Startups often overload the MVP with too many features, diluting the product’s focus and delaying development.


To avoid feature creep, stick to the core functionalities. Ask, "Does this feature directly address the problem?" If not, save it for later iterations.

Step 3: Conduct Market Research

Market research helps validate the demand for your product and identifies competitors or similar solutions in the market. Understanding where your MVP fits is crucial to ensure you're solving a unique problem or offering a better solution.

How to Go About It

Use tools like Google Trends, CB Insights, and Crunchbase to identify market trends and gaps. Analyze competitors to see how they solve the same problem and look for differentiation points for your MVP.

Common Problem

Without proper market research, startups risk developing a product that either already exists or has no market demand.


Invest time in understanding your target audience and the competitive landscape. Use tools like SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to position your MVP effectively.

Step 4: Choose the Right No-Code Platform

For startups with limited technical resources, no-code platforms like, Webflow, or Xano provide a fast and cost-effective way to develop an MVP. These platforms enable you to build a fully functional MVP without writing code, significantly reducing development time and costs.

How to Go About It

Evaluate no-code platforms based on your product’s requirements. For example, is excellent for web applications, while Webflow is ideal for design-heavy websites. Xano provides a scalable backend for more complex MVPs. Choose a platform based on the scalability and flexibility your MVP will need in the future.

Common Problem

Startups often need help with technical choices and scalability when using no-code platforms, especially when transitioning from MVP to a full product.


This is where the Minimum Code comes in. Minimum Code is a no-code development agency that selects the right platform for your MVP and ensures scalability. They can help you navigate technical limitations and create a scalable, secure MVP that can grow with your business. Minimum Code provides that your product can evolve beyond MVP without significant rewrites or platform changes.

Step 5: Build a User Flow

A user flow outlines how users will navigate through your MVP. It is essential to design a smooth, intuitive experience that helps users quickly solve their problems.

How to Go About It

Using tools like Lucidchart or Figma, create a visual representation of the user journey. Focus on how users will move from one part of the product to another, ensuring no obstacles or confusing interactions exist.

Common Problem

Complex or confusing user flows can frustrate early users, leading to poor feedback and reduced product engagement.


Keep the user flow simple and intuitive. Conduct user testing early to identify pain points in the flow and refine the process based on feedback.

Step 6: Design a Prototype

Before development, create a visual prototype of your MVP to test the design and user experience (UX). A prototype allows you to gather feedback on the interface and user interactions before coding begins.

How to Go About It

Build an interactive prototype using tools like Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch. Share it with potential users or stakeholders to gather feedback on the design and usability.

Common Problem

Jumping straight into development without validating the design can result in a product that doesn’t align with user expectations.


Use prototypes to test early and often. Gather feedback on the design and make necessary changes before committing to complete development.

Step 7: Develop the MVP

Now that the prototype and user flow are in place, it’s time to develop the MVP. Focus on building the core functionalities and omitting non-essential features.

How to Go About It

Leverage no-code platforms to speed up development, especially if you're a non-technical founder. Develop in short sprints, testing each feature before moving on to the next.

Common Problem

Many startups overcomplicate the development process by adding too many features, delaying the launch, and increasing costs.


Minimum Code can be your partner here. As a no-code development agency, they can help you develop and launch your MVP within weeks. Their expertise in platforms like and Xano ensures your MVP is functional and scalable. Minimum Code focuses on rapid development while maintaining the flexibility to iterate based on feedback.

Step 8: Test Your MVP

Once development is complete, it’s time to test your MVP to ensure it’s working as expected. Testing should include both internal and beta testing with real users to identify bugs, usability issues, and potential areas for improvement.

How to Go About It

Conduct beta tests with early adopters using tools like TestFlight for iOS or TestFairy for Android. Gather feedback on functionality, performance, and usability.

Common Problem

Skipping the testing phase or not gathering enough feedback can result in launching a buggy or incomplete product.


Prioritize feedback collection and be prepared to iterate quickly based on what users are experiencing during testing.

Step 9: Gather Feedback and Iterate

After beta testing, gather feedback from real users. This data will guide the next steps in improving your product and ensuring that the final version effectively solves user problems.

How to Go About It

Use surveys, user interviews, and analytics tools to gather feedback on how users interact with your MVP. Focus on fixing major pain points and adding features based on user demand.

Common Problem

Startups sometimes hesitate to make changes based on feedback, leading to a product that doesn’t meet user expectations.


Adopt an agile development approach and be open to iteration. Prioritize changes that have the most impact on the user experience.

Step 10: Plan for Scaling

Once your MVP is validated, the next step is to plan for scaling the product. Ensure that your no-code platform or tools can support growth as your user base increases.

How to Go About It

As you gather feedback and expand your user base, add new features and improve infrastructure to handle more users. Monitor performance metrics and use cloud services like AWS or Google Cloud to ensure your product can scale without performance issues.

Common Problem

MVPs not built for scalability can struggle with performance issues as the user base grows.


Focus on scalability from the start. Platforms like Xano provide a robust backend that grows with your user base, ensuring your MVP can scale smoothly.

Best Tips for MVP Success

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Start Small, Focus on Core Features

One of the most crucial tips for MVP success is to start small and focus only on the core features. Your MVP should address your target audience's most critical pain points with minimal features to prove the concept.

Use a feature prioritization framework like MoSCoW to identify the must-have functionalities that solve the primary problem your product aims to address. For future iterations, remove any nice-to-have or non-essential features. Focus on creating a version of the product that delivers value with the fewest moving parts. 

Many startups need help with feature creep, where non-essential features are added in the early stages, increasing complexity and delaying the launch. Stick to the core functionalities that provide immediate value. Ask, “Does this feature directly solve the user’s problem?” If not, save it for a later version.

Validate Early and Often

Don’t wait until your MVP is fully developed to start gathering feedback. Continuous validation throughout the process ensures that you are building something users want and will use.

Conduct early testing with prototypes and wireframes, or use a landing page MVP to gauge interest before development. Once you have an MVP, release it to a select group of early adopters and collect real-world feedback. 

Many startups hesitate to share their product early due to fear of criticism or the product not being "perfect" yet. Embrace the idea that the MVP is a work in progress. Early user feedback can reveal insights you wouldn’t have identified internally, saving time and effort in the long run.

Track Key Metrics from the Start

Tracking the right metrics from the beginning ensures you’re making data-driven decisions for your MVP’s future development. Metrics can help you understand how users interact with your product and which features deliver the most value.

Set up analytics tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, or Hotjar to track user behavior, engagement, and conversions. Focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as user engagement, retention, and conversion rates. 

Not knowing which metrics to track can lead to information overload or ignoring vanity metrics that don’t provide actionable insights. Focus on one or two key metrics that align with your product goals, such as how often users return or how quickly they complete an action within the product and use minimum code. 

Be Open to Iteration

One of the most significant advantages of an MVP is its flexibility. Instead of building a rigid product, an MVP should be able to adapt based on the feedback you receive from early users. Be prepared to iterate quickly and make changes as needed.

After each round of feedback, assess what works and what doesn’t. Prioritize changes that address significant user pain points or improve the core user experience. Some founders become attached to their original vision and are reluctant to pivot or make substantial changes based on feedback. Keep an open mind and focus on building what users want. User-centric iteration is critical to MVP success. 

Build a Community Early 

Start building a community of early adopters who can provide feedback and promote your product. This can help you establish a base of loyal users who are invested in the success of your product from the start.

Create a waitlist or early access program to gather a group of users interested in testing your MVP. Engage with them through email newsletters, social media, or a dedicated community platform like Discord or Slack. 

Getting users to engage early without a finished product can present challenges. To keep early users engaged and motivated, offer incentives such as exclusive access, discounts, or the ability to influence product development. 

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Best Practices for MVP Development

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Prioritize User Experience Over Everything Else

Your MVP is bound to be a stripped-down version of your product. Even so, the user experience should be smooth and enjoyable. A product with poor UX, even with the features users want, can receive negative feedback that hurts its future success. To avoid this scenario, create an intuitive design that makes the core functionality easy to use. Before developing, use tools like Figma or Sketch to prototype and test user flows. 

This will help you organize the structure of your MVP and identify any potential issues before they become part of it. Even a minimal version of your product will have a user experience, and users expect it to be functional. Conduct user testing early, even on basic prototypes, to understand how users interact with the product and where there may be confusion or friction. 

Use Metrics to Track Success

Data should guide the next steps of your MVP development. Use key performance indicators to track how well your product is performing and whether it's meeting user needs. Set up analytics tools to track important metrics such as active user numbers, retention rates, and feature usage. Focus on the data that helps you determine which features are valuable and which need improvement or removal. 

Startups often track too many metrics or focus on vanity metrics that don’t provide real insights. Instead, concentrate on meaningful metrics, such as user engagement, retention, and feature adoption rates, to guide your iteration and development efforts.

Maintain Flexibility

Your MVP should be flexible enough to adapt based on user feedback. One of the significant benefits of developing an MVP is the ability to pivot or improve the product as you learn from users. Use agile methodologies to keep development iterations short and flexible. This allows you to adjust the product quickly based on new insights or shifting market demands. Some startups need to stick more rigidly to their original vision, which prevents them from pivoting or adjusting to user needs. Adopt an agile mindset where the MVP evolves based on real-world user data rather than assumptions.

Plan for Scalability Early

Though your MVP is minimal, you should still have a plan in place for scalability. Once your MVP proves successful, you must ensure the product can handle growing users and more advanced features. Choose a development platform that allows for future growth. If you're using no-code platforms like or Xano, ensure they can handle scaling or plan to transition to custom code when the time is right. 

Many MVPs need more planning to improve performance issues when scaling. Minimum Code ensures your MVP is built on a platform that can scale. They specialize in using no-code platforms that allow for easy transitions to more robust systems when needed, ensuring your product grows with your user base.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in MVP Development

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Feature Creep: How to Avoid the MVP Trap of Building Too Many Features

One of the startups' most significant mistakes is building too many features into their MVP, thinking that more functionality will make the product more appealing. This often results in delayed launches, increased costs, and a complicated user experience. 

How to Avoid It

Focus only on the core features that solve your users' main problem. An MVP should be minimal and functional—anything beyond that can be saved for future iterations. Use feature prioritization techniques like MoSCoW to identify must-haves and defer non-essential features. 


The MVP is about testing the core concept rather than building the perfect product.

Ignoring User Feedback: Why Your MVP Needs to Talk to Its Early Adopters

An MVP is meant to gather feedback from early adopters, but many startups need to act on this feedback. This can result in developing features that users don’t need or missing opportunities to improve areas where users struggle. 

How to Avoid It

Actively seek user feedback through surveys, interviews, or usability testing. Prioritize incorporating this feedback into your product roadmap to ensure that future iterations better align with user expectations and pain points. 


User feedback is essential for iteration. Build a loop for continuous input and adjustments. 

Skipping Market Research: Why Your MVP Needs an Industry Background Before Launch

Market research helps startups understand their competition, target audience, and the demand for their product. Skipping this step can lead to building a product that nobody wants or already has well-established competitors offering better solutions. 

How to Avoid It

Before starting development, conduct market research to understand the landscape. Use tools like Google Trends or Crunchbase to study competitors and analyze market demand. Identify market gaps or unique value propositions that your MVP can fill. 


Thorough market research ensures that you’re not solving a problem that has already been addressed or building a product with no market demand. 

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How Minimum Code Can Help You Develop Your MVP

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Rapid Development: Accelerating Your MVP Timeline 

Using no-code platforms like, Xano, and Webflow, Minimum Code enables startups to develop fully functional MVPs in as little as 4 to 6 weeks. No-code platforms provide an intuitive interface that allows developers to drag and drop features, significantly reducing development time. By leveraging no-code technology, Minimum Code can help you build and launch your MVP faster than traditional coding methods. 

No-code platforms allow non-technical founders to iterate quickly and add features as needed, ensuring the MVP is up and running with minimal delays. Tip: No-code development is 40% faster than traditional development, meaning startups can go to market quicker and start gathering user feedback earlier. 

Cost-Effective Solutions: Save Money to Grow Your Business

No-code platforms offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional development. Minimum Code helps startups save on development costs, as hiring an expensive technical team to write code from scratch is unnecessary. The cost savings of using a no-code platform are substantial. 

Traditional development costs can range from $50,000 to $250,000, depending on the complexity of the product. In contrast, no-code platforms can reduce these costs to $5,000 to $50,000, allowing startups to launch without burning their budget. Tip: Using no-code platforms can reduce MVP development costs by up to 60%, making it an attractive option for bootstrapped startups. 

Full-Service Support: Continuous Guidance to Ensure Success

Minimum Code doesn’t just help build your MVP; it offers end-to-end support from design through post-launch. Their expertise ensures that startups can focus on business growth while handling the technical side smoothly. Minimum Code provides comprehensive services, including product design, UX/UI development, feature testing, and post-launch support. 

This ensures that startups receive continuous guidance, even after the MVP goes live, helping with user feedback integration and scalability. Tip: Minimum Code specializes in scalable MVPs, so you can be confident that your MVP will grow as your user base expands.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

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How Much Does It Cost To Build An MVP With No Code?

Cost of Building an MVP with No-Code Tools: What You Should Know

The cost of building an MVP using no-code platforms like or Webflow typically ranges from $5,000 to $50,000, depending on the complexity of the product and features. This is much more affordable than traditional development, which can exceed $100,000.

Related Reading

  • How to Build an MVP
  • Develop MVP
  • MVP Development Process
  • MVP Developer
  • How to Build an MVP App
  • MVP Benefits
  • SaaS MVP Development
  • MVP Development Cost
  • MVP Features

Get a Free Product Discovery & Scoping for Your App Idea Today

No code MVP development is a process that allows entrepreneurs to create a minimum viable product without coding. Using no-code tools like and Webflow, founders can build a fully functional MVP to test their business idea in a matter of weeks, if not days. This approach enables startups to save time and money while validating their business concepts and identifying any potential issues before launching their products to the public. 

Related Reading

  • MVP Validation
  • MVP Development Team
  • No Code Agencies
  • Creating an MVP
  • MVP Timeline
  • MVP Tools
  • Launching an MVP
  • Lean Startup MVP
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